
Chiropractic in Greek means ‘Done By Hand’. Chiropractic is a non-surgical, non-invasive form of therapy that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders. This is achieved through focusing on the manual adjustment of the spine and tuning the body’s alignment to relieve pain, improve function and help the body heal.

Chiropractic Services Are Ideal For Anyone Suffering From

Sports Injuries
Cervicogenic Headaches
Degenerative Disc Disease
Myofascial pain
Spondylosis or Spinal Osteoarthritis
Back Sprains and Strains
Herniated Disc
Plantar Fasciitis

Core Chiropractic Treatment Include Manual Spinal Manipulation & Mobilization

We also offer

  • Adjustments: Gently realign joints and decrease pain and increase range of motion.
  • Soft-tissue therapy: To relax tight muscles, relieve spasms and release tension in the connective tissue that surrounds each muscle (fascia).
  • Exercises and stretches: To restore and maintain joint stability and mobility.
  • Joint bracing: Commonly known as Kinesio taping, supports sprained joints and muscles as they heal.

The Best Chiropractic Clinic in Bangalore

Le Yantra is the perfect amalgamation of therapeutic expertise, the latest tools and technology, and the perfect strategies to combat sports-related injuries and more. Visit us to experience the best chiropractic services and enjoy pain-free sports performance.