Sports & Exercise Nutrition

Advanced Sports Exercise & Nutrition in Bangalore

Sports-Performance Exercises

At Le Yantra, we believe that having a tailored exercise program is crucial to enhancing sports performance and improving functional movement. We analyze the athlete and consider multiple metrics before we tailor a custom plan for optimal performance enhancement. The exercises are finetuned as per fitness goal, experience level, training style, and equipment access.


Nutrition is a critical part of an athlete’s life. The everyday choices a sportsperson makes every day about what and how much to eat are amplified when those choices directly impact sports performance, training, and recovery. From fuelling to recovery, muscle building to weight making, optimal nutrition ensures the best platform for your sporting success, whatever level you participate.

Athletes who want a winning edge need the right nutrition. When you give your body the right fuel by drinking enough water and eating a balanced diet, you will make the most of your athletic talents and gain more strength, power, and endurance when you train.

What We Offer

Meal Planning
Tracking Macro Nutrients
Hydration Charts
Recovery Foods
Inculcating Healthy Eating Habits


What you eat several days before an endurance activity affects performance. The food you eat on the morning of a sports competition can ward off hunger, keep blood sugar levels adequate, and aid hydration. Try to avoid eating high-protein or high-fat foods on the day of an event. At Le Yantra, we plan your end-to-end nutrition to enable high performance in all avenues.

The Best Sports Exercise & Nutrition Clinic in Bangalore

Le Yantra is the perfect amalgamation of therapeutic expertise, the latest tools and technology, and the perfect strategies to enhance your sports performance. Visit us to experience the best sports exercise and nutrition services and enjoy pain-free sports performance.