4 Causes for Lower Back Pain and How
Le Yantra (Best Chiropractor in
Bangalore) Can help

Lower back pain is a common problem that causes great discomfort and pain. It can be
caused by a variety of reasons, but the most common being disc herniation or degenerative
discs. Disc herniation occurs when there is an internal tear in one or more of your spinal
discs, which leads to bulging or protrusion of these bones closer together than normal. This
causes pressure on nerves located within those discs causing extreme pain and discomfort
in your lower back area. There are several ways you can treat this condition such as
physical therapy exercises along with medications like ibuprofen which will help relieve some
symptoms while allowing time for healing naturally over time through diet changes etcetera

  1. What is lower back pain?
    Lower back pain is a common problem, with millions of people suffering from it every year. If
    you’ve ever experienced lower back pain, it’s important to know what causes it and how to
    prevent future episodes.
    While many people assume that lower back issues are caused by a herniated disc or some
    other serious issue, in reality they’re more likely the result of poor posture or lifting heavy
    objects improperly (or both). As such, regular chiropractic care can help prevent most cases
    of lower back pain—and if you’re having trouble sleeping because your body isn’t getting
    enough rest at night time… well then there’s no reason why we should be worried about
    anything else!
  2. Causes of Lower Back Pain
    There are many causes of lower back pain. The most common include:
    ● Slouching or having poor posture for long periods of time (like sitting at a desk all
    ● Lack of exercise and not doing any exercise regularly, like walking or swimming. But
    even if you do exercise, there can still be problems if your muscles aren’t flexible
    enough to support the weight you’re putting on them.
    ● Sleeping positions that don’t allow your spine to rest correctly while sleeping can
    cause problems with your back as well. For example, sleeping with one shoulder
    higher than the other puts stress on the discs that hold up those vertebrae—which is
    also known as “spinal arthritis.” This kind of pain isn’t just uncomfortable; it can also
    make movement difficult during waking hours!
  3. Symptoms of Lower Back Pain
    ● Pain in the lower back.
    ● Pain that radiates to the buttocks and legs.
    ● Pain that worsens with activity, improves with rest, and is worsened by coughing,
    sneezing or laughing.
    ● Pain that is worsened by bending forward or lying down for long periods of time (over
    six hours).
  4. What are the treatments for lower back pain?
    Lower back pain is a common problem that can occur at any age. It’s important to know the
    causes of lower back pain, as well as how it affects your daily life and lifestyle. If left
    untreated, most cases of lower back pain will get worse over time until they become
    chronic—or long-term.
    There are several types of treatments for your lower back pain:
    ● Physical therapy (PT) involves using exercises to strengthen muscles in the body
    and reduce stress on bones and joints; this type of treatment may also help reduce
    inflammation by reducing swelling around nerves or shearing forces from movements
    like running or sitting too much at work.
    ● Medication may be prescribed if PT doesn’t work as well as expected because it isn’t
    addressing all aspects needed for healing.* Surgery may be necessary if physical
    therapy hasn’t helped after several months but surgery does not guarantee complete
    recovery either way.* Chiropractic care can help correct misalignment caused by poor
    posture while sleeping in wrong positions throughout the day which puts pressure on
    various vital organs including kidneys leading them into failure due to dehydration
    issues caused by vomiting blood during menstruation periods.”
    You can consult a chiropractor in Bangalore to get rid
    of your lower back pain
    If you want to get rid of your lower back pain, then it is important that you consult a
    chiropractor in Bangalore. A chiropractor is a professional who treats the spine, neck and
    other joints. They can help you with all kinds of problems related to these parts of the body
    including lower back pain.
    If you are suffering from any kind of injury or illness that causes discomfort in your lower
    back area then consulting an expert will definitely help relieve those symptoms quickly so
    that they don’t continue bothering you for long periods at a time.
    If you are suffering from lower back pain, it is important to consult a chiropractor in
    Bangalore. Le Yantra will help you get rid of your symptoms and improve your health.
    Chiropractors at Le Yantra can also treat other related conditions like neck pain or sciatica
    (pain in the leg).

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