Physiotherapy for Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common health conditions in India, with an estimated 1.8
million people suffering from it. While there are many treatments available, physiotherapy is
one of the most effective ways to manage your back pain and prevent flare-ups.
Different types of back pain need different types of
Acute and chronic back pain are two different types of back pain.

  1. Acute back pain is caused by an injury or accident, such as a slip on ice or fall from
    height. Acute injuries to the spinal cord may lead to acute onset (immediate)
    symptoms such as tingling and numbness in an arm or leg, weakness in one side of
    your body, difficulty walking up stairs or down steps, loss of bowel control (diarrhea),
    loss of bladder control (urinary leakage), dizziness and nausea/vomiting. The
    symptoms usually occur within 48 hours after injury or fall but can last longer than 2
    weeks if they are severe enough.
  2. Chronic back pain is ongoing discomfort that lasts longer than 3 months without
    getting better with treatment. It doesn’t go away on its own so it needs medical
    attention through physiotherapy sessions which focus on helping muscles relax so
    they don’t tense up again when you move around normally again after rehabilitation
    exercises like range-of-motion exercises will help relieve some tension without
    causing further damage to tissue structures like tendons which connect muscle
    groups together within joints throughout our bodies’ musculoskeletal system including
    those found inside walls – known collectively as extensor muscles – both large joints
    like ankles/knees/shins etc… small ones like wrists.. elbows… shoulders etc…
    Acute back pain is the kind of pain you feel after an
    accident or injury, and it doesn’t last for very long.
    Acute back pain can be painful, but it’s not dangerous. It’s best to treat acute back pain at
    home by keeping your spine mobile, resting and applying cold packs. If you need to go to a
    doctor for treatment of your acute back pain, make sure to take some time off from work as a
    precaution against worsening symptoms while waiting for medical care (in case they don’t
    Chronic back pain is the kind of pain that lasts for more
    than three months.
    Chronic back pain can be caused by many things, including arthritis, scoliosis or injuries. It
    may also be due to chronic conditions like diabetes or kidney disease that affect your bones
    and muscles. If left untreated, it can cause severe disability in some people and make it
    difficult for you to work or enjoy life as usual.
    Physiotherapy can help with both kinds of back pain,
    but the treatment they use needs to be different
    depending on the kind of pain you have.
    Physiotherapy is a type of treatment that can help with back pain. It can be used to treat
    acute and chronic back pain, as well as neck and shoulder pain.
    Physiotherapists use a combination of hands-on procedures, exercise and TENS
    (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) treatment to treat your condition.
    The main goals are to reduce inflammation in your back so that it feels better; reduce
    swelling so that you have more mobility; improve muscle strength or range of motion in your
    spine area; improve quality of life by helping you feel less uncomfortable when moving
    around or sitting down for long periods at a time
    When physiotherapists treat people with chronic back
    pain, they focus on re-training muscles that are either
    too weak or too tight, to prevent flare-ups from
    happening in the future. They use a combination of
    hands-on procedures such as massaging and
    mobilizing, as well as exercises to improve posture and
    flexibility to strengthen core muscles and support your
    spine. Your physio may also recommend TENS
    (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) treatment
    to help manage your back pain.
    Physiotherapists at Le Yantra use a combination of hands-on procedures and exercises to
    improve posture and flexibility, as well as strengthen core muscles and support your spine.
    Your physio may also recommend TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)
    treatment to help manage your back pain.
    There are many options for physiotherapy treatment,
    call at +91 8023563338, to find what’s best for you
    The types of back pain include:
    ● Disc protrusion – the disc between two vertebrae has slipped out of place, causing
    you to feel pain in your lower back or leg muscles when you move.
    ● Bulging/herniated disc – fluid has leaked from inside a herniated disc and caused
    inflammation around it, which can cause severe pain in your lower back or leg
    muscles when you move (this type is rare).
    Le Yantra hope this post has been helpful to you. If you’re currently experiencing back pain
    and want to know more about physiotherapy treatments, talk to Le Yantra. We’ll be able to
    help find the right treatment for you!

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